“The veteran soldiers met at the Town Hall at 9 oclock AM accompanied by Torrent Engine Company, Sabath schools of the different churches and led by the Mechanics Cornet Band marched through the principal streets to Granitville Cemetery. Prayer was offered by Reverend Polk after which the returned soldiers decorated the graves of their departed comrades. The line was reformed and returned to the Hall and listened to speeches from Reverend Polk and Reverend Coult also a very fine poem by Mrs. S.E. Blodgett. A vote of thanks was passed for the kindness rendered by the M. C. Band, Reverend Polk, Reverend Coalt and to Mrs. Blodgett. The Band and returned soldiers marched to H. A. Powers Drugstore and many thanks ever expressed for the kindness of Mrs. Powers and we wish we had many more citizens of the same stamp that have not forgot who it was that fought their battles and saved their homes retained one of the best governments there ever was an unbroken chain. Adjourned to meet at the call of the President.”
Secretary George Gilden
Veteran Soldiers of Marlboro
May 30th 1880
The Veteran Soldiers of Marlboro was an organization of local Civil War veterans. In 1919, members of this organization, by unanimous vote, became a post in the newly formed American Legion. As illustrated by the excerpt from the Secretary Record of Veteran Soldiers, our town began recognizing Memorial Day (Decoration Day) annually since at least 1880. The name “Memorial Day”, which was was first attested in 1882, gradually became more common than “Decoration Day” after World War II but was not declared the official name by federal law until 1967.
Croteau-Coutts-Ford Post 24 will continue this annual tradition with a ceremony and parade on Sunday, the 28th of May. The Memorial Ceremony will be at the Pine Grove Cemetery beginning at 12/NOON. Parade participants will assemble on Terrace Street beginning at 1:30PM. Groups or organizations interested in participating in the parade should contact the post at post24americanlegion@gmail.com for march assignment. The parade steps off at 2PM and will follow the same route as last year – from Terrace Street, right on RT 101 (West), past the post office and right on Water Street. There will be a short halt at the Water Street bridge for the “Missing at Sea” ceremony. Once complete, left on Fitch Court and the parade will finish at the Marlborough Middle School. A band concert will follow at the Veterans Memorial Park.
Don’t forget that the post is currently collecting worn, tattered, unserviceable flags for proper disposal. The flags can be given to any post member or dropped off at Main Crust Company. The flags will be disposed of at a proper ceremony on Flag Day. More information will be published in the June bulletin.
Veterans Memorial Park redesign is ongoing. Brick sales/donations has been extended through the end of August. We hope to complete all new construction by November with a rededication ceremony planned for Veterans Day. According to post membership records from 1968, our post once boasted 109 members. We’re hoping that the families of those 109 members will honor their relatives service with a brick!
Thanks Dana for the fresh posting with 2023 Memorial Day info.
S/F- Charlie